lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

The greatest party ever!

Hi buddies!

Today I’m going to tell you about the best party ever, but this isn’t the best party because there were liters and liters of alcohol, or a lot of woman’s, these was the best party because I was with my entire class in Pucon.

We went to Pucon when we finished high school, the day after PSU. It was the best week in my life, a lot of activities and all the nights we have a great party! , but the last night was the best party ever. I remember we went to bought all the things (food, beverages, alcohol, etc.), around the 6 o’clock, and start around the 8 o ‘clock.

The party was in the cabins where we stay, and the fun factor was what I knew all of the people there, so if I bored in a place for a while, I went to the next cabin with another’s partners.  All was laughter, drink and have the best night ever. I go to slept around 9 o’ clock in the morning, talking with a friend who fight with her boyfriend in the party. I hope someday to have a party like that, with the same persons and remember all the things we do in highschool, I miss them so much, they are a really fun and good people.

Do you miss your classmate of the highschool to??

See ya!!

5 comentarios:

  1. Sound great and in a great date
    I thing thoose partys with your friends and classmate are really fun

  2. hahaha Pichipil you're so funny, I imagine you very drunk the day after PSU, and it's very special with your friends and partners of school. I miss it very much :( because we didn't do many things xd, regards Pichipiuuuu

  3. You are so drunk Pichipil hahaha I imagine that was a great party and I hope you can have a same party soon, see you!

  4. sounds like fun! I imagine how many empty bottles you left outside those cabins!

  5. Nice picture pichipil,I imagine the amount of alcohol which hast drunk jajaja
