lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

The pyramid of Giza

Hi everyone! 

 Today I’m talk about of a building which was one of the seven wonders in the world, which is the great pyramid of Giza in Egypt; this building was interest to me since the first time when I watch it on T.V, I ask my sister how a building like that was possible, I couldn´t believe that, people over 3800 years ago were able to build a pyramid was it almost intact to this days. The theories about his construction are varied, but the most accepted construction hypotheses are based on the idea that it was built by moving huge stones from a quarry and dragging and lifting them into a place in a period over a 10 to 20 years, but in this days a theory like that is not very convincing, some authors have is own ideas, some more crazy than others, because it is questionable the fact of the period in which realized, considering what they didn’t knew the wheel and almost everything around there is sand, making very difficult transport this blocks of 5 pounds to that place. Another point to make a question is why would they build it? , are only theory’s about that to. Some crazy ideas talks about a cult to a superior race, which travel to the universe and saw the human race, and teach all of this techniques which development the most of this ancient cultures, like astronomy, math’s, engineering, religion, and all of this mega-buildings around the world.
I hope you have enjoyed, the ancient cultures, including the pyramid of Giza are a very interesting part of the history full of mysteries and secrets.

This is a video from a scientist who speaks about these ideas of “aliens” in the earth which talk with the ancient people, watch it is very entertaining.

See ya! 

PD: I can´t put a picture of the pyramide, I don't know why :( 

2 comentarios:

  1. Is really interesting this construction and more weird start to think how they built, Are really fun TV programs who talk about thattaht

  2. Amazing building! It is just sad to think that all the pyramids were made by slaves :(
