domingo, 7 de julio de 2013

A nigga Style

Heeeello everyone.

Today I want to write about a person who I really want to meet, and that is Aaron Spears.
Aaron Spears is one of the greatest drummers of this century, his style, groove all is perfect. I hope someday can take class with him to can learn and understand how he can play with that groove, and obviously, learn all the fucking amazing chops that he does.

In all the videos in youtube he looks a very funny person, I want to meet for talk about drums , his experience, his road to the success, how record a good album, how have a perfect performance in a stage or a concert and how he understand the complex world of the music and the drums in specific.

Truly I want to meet a lot of people, but Aaron is the best and I know that someday I met him and we will play drums together hahaha .

I will live a couple of links, so you can watch this amazing drummer and maybe you can understand because I admired so much.
See ya! J

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