domingo, 7 de julio de 2013

The holidays in my childhood

Hi Blogheads, long time no see you.

Today I want to write about the best holiday I ever had, but for the last 2 years I didn’t has a good vacations because I past all the summer working L , buuuut  when I was a child I always travel with my parents to La Serena to visit my mom´s sister. I play every day with my cousin; separately each one was an angel, very quiet …. But when we were together, we doing a lot of disasters and jokes, dangerous plays, we were too messy haahahaha. I remember one day when we were very buring and we go outside to play something, and we do a lot of smoke bombs and we launched to houses , under a lot of cars and the people when saw the cars with the smoke around all of it , came out running , it was very funny hahahaha .

I remember too, when we go to a highly inclined street, and the street was the longest, aaand we threw out there in bicycle and scooter, we reach a very high speed haha we could stay there for hours launching and launching and each time was more funny than the last.

And mmm something we always did in family was traveled to El Valle del Elqui, waking up early and up on the car, mi mom with my uncle prepared the food , my dad drove and I with my cousin play hahaha .
This was a moment very happy and fun of my life when all that mattered was how can we can played in one day.

See ya  !

 PD: I didn´t found a photo of this moment, sorry :(

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