lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

All of good things have to end :(

Hi Blogheads!

I have bad news today L  . Yes, the semester is going to the end, so this is my final post of this part of the year.

I enjoyed so much do this, because is a relaxing, fun and  an useful way to learn english, with a lot of themes differents  in each week, and all of them are so fun.  All of theme  we wrote was of thinks we liked or  lived, so that amount the learning of english, because we express our personal experiences in a different language.

I wrote a lot of blogs in this semester, but always are some post that we like more or less. For example, In my blog I really enjoyed so much do the post of someone who I want to know, and I wrote about Aaron spears, because I really want to be a great drummer and musician, and he is one of my big influence in the style to play drums, I left some videos of him to all of you can watch it J. And how all in the life, sometimes we like to do a few things and other things we don´t do very happy or with desire, In my case was when we have to do the post of the book, because I like to ride, but I don´t have a favorite autor or book, and I prefer ride comics and mangas, so I had to force that post and wrote about that topic.

I enjoy the blog of everyone, because all of the classmate has a lot of fun stories to tell, I enjoy reading all, mm but the blogs are enjoy more, was of the Raul and Natalia, because we like the same things in general, like the things we watch or play, and some music too.

I think this blog is a good tool to practice english, because we have to search words, write a lot, comment another´s blogs, so we practices read and write in a fun way.

So, this is the end L I enjoyed so much wrote in this blog, I hope wich all of you have enjoyed reading my experiencies and the think we like and do.

See you to the next time.

Good Bye J

lunes, 8 de julio de 2013

The best Tv comedy of my chilhood :)

Hi Blogheads.  How are you in this cold day?
Today, I’m want to write about my favorite Tv Show when I was a child, the show was called Drake and Josh.

The history of this start when the dad  of Josh and the drake’s mom married and start to live together, and Josh with Drake must have to learn to live together.

In the beginning they don´t get along very well, this because Josh is a very clever and organizated boy and Drake is only concerned in go out with girls and play de guitar, but with the time Drake and Josh can learn live together and a lot of funny things happen since that moment.
Drake was a sister called Megan, and her is the devil in person. To his parents was an inocent child, but for Drake and Josh was a Little girl who lives to doing  the live imposible to her brothers, always doing jokes and put it tramps into the house and all kind of things what is posible.

This show I watch i ton Nickelodeon when I was a child, I must be around 12 o 13 years old, and every day watched this program with my mom while we had the dinner.
This program was one of my favorites, because I laugh a lot, in each chapter something really really fun happened and in some chapters I could felt identified with his situations hahaha , because I’m a person with a lot of bad luck .
You watched Drake and Josh??  If you not…..DO IT!!

See ya!

domingo, 7 de julio de 2013

Popgressive !!

A song

 A song can help you to feel better or stronger, sad, happy, etc.  A song is like sons, is a creation of one person who put of his feelings to do. We cannot live without songs, independent of the style or if one is best of another, every person need of the songs to carry the day a day of a better way or to accompany a sad or unhappy moment.

So, the philosophical question is what is a song? In a no-literal context of the structure A-B-A-C who is structure, why the people needs so much listen songs constantly, I don’t know but I thing which is a very good question to do.

Anyway, today I must write about my favorite song, buut a I don´t have one in specific, so I want to post a song of a Chilean band ( one of the good ones ) Drogatones, called Poses, this song is really good because is a rock pop with a complement of a progressive music, so de mix of this element make the songs of this band ( in general ) something weard, but a like it and is much better than a lot of band that their concern is being a rock star and not a musician. So, listen this great song and if like you, share with your friends hahaha . To the next week

See ya!

PD: this are another good songs of Drogatones

Music stores !!

Hello  J

Today I want to write about a place in this city which is very important to all musician amateur or professional, and that is the Crown Plaza Gallery.

Here, are a lot of stores with a lot of instruments, drums, guitars,bass, keyboards, violins, chello,contrabass,etc.; are Luthiers too and technical services for the electric instruments.

I like a new store in the crown plaza, the store is called Drumdealer and is the best store of the drummers in Chile, the infrastructure, the drums who sells there are amazing and the best is which the sellers have a lot knowledge of the drums, so the conversation when I go to bought something is really fun in comparation with another stores when didn’t know about his products, so drumdealer is a store by and for drummers.

I always go to Crown Plaza because is very close of the university and because I always need sticks hahah. The past week was the last time I went to there.
Go to Crown Plaza is very fun watch a lot of instruments hahaha

See ya! 

Reading Manga

Hi Blogheads.

Now it´s suposse to i write about a book to I was enjoyed, mmmm but actually I’m not the best person to read books, I read books yes, but sadly I never could feel the experience of read I a book and experiment the fantastic feelings of people express when read L .

For other way since I was a child, I read a books but something what was much more exciting to me, was the graphic novels, comics or mangas, soooo today I want to write about something which combine the art of writing with the art of drawing and sells in format of book, that is the mangas J .

The manga is the equivalent of comic in our occident side of the world, but I like more the mangas, because are a lot of genre, styles of drawing, different stories. I read a lot of mangas, because are stories are fun, or his drama is very interesting, another because his draws are amazing. Are two mangas which are my favorites and that’s One Piece and Bleach.

One piece is a manga created by Eiichiro Oda, and tell us a history of a group of pirates who are search the greatest treasure ever called One piece, the principal character Luffy is a pirate who eat and akuma fruit and he transform in a gum man, he can stretch their limbs and do powerfulls attacks, one of my favorites fights is with a character called Blueno, because Luffy  smashes him haha.

Bleach is a manga created by Tite Kubo and tells us a history of Kusosaki Ichigo, who convert in something call Shinigami when he knows Rukia for coincidence, since that day the life of Ichigo is full of Fights and secrets of his life very interesting.  My favorite fight of Ichigo is when he used something called Bankai for first time, to help his friend Rukia of death.

Read this mangas, are very interesting and funnies or you can see on anime too.
See ya !
PD: I post the links of my 2 favorite’s fights hahaha

A nigga Style

Heeeello everyone.

Today I want to write about a person who I really want to meet, and that is Aaron Spears.
Aaron Spears is one of the greatest drummers of this century, his style, groove all is perfect. I hope someday can take class with him to can learn and understand how he can play with that groove, and obviously, learn all the fucking amazing chops that he does.

In all the videos in youtube he looks a very funny person, I want to meet for talk about drums , his experience, his road to the success, how record a good album, how have a perfect performance in a stage or a concert and how he understand the complex world of the music and the drums in specific.

Truly I want to meet a lot of people, but Aaron is the best and I know that someday I met him and we will play drums together hahaha .

I will live a couple of links, so you can watch this amazing drummer and maybe you can understand because I admired so much.
See ya! J

The holidays in my childhood

Hi Blogheads, long time no see you.

Today I want to write about the best holiday I ever had, but for the last 2 years I didn’t has a good vacations because I past all the summer working L , buuuut  when I was a child I always travel with my parents to La Serena to visit my mom´s sister. I play every day with my cousin; separately each one was an angel, very quiet …. But when we were together, we doing a lot of disasters and jokes, dangerous plays, we were too messy haahahaha. I remember one day when we were very buring and we go outside to play something, and we do a lot of smoke bombs and we launched to houses , under a lot of cars and the people when saw the cars with the smoke around all of it , came out running , it was very funny hahahaha .

I remember too, when we go to a highly inclined street, and the street was the longest, aaand we threw out there in bicycle and scooter, we reach a very high speed haha we could stay there for hours launching and launching and each time was more funny than the last.

And mmm something we always did in family was traveled to El Valle del Elqui, waking up early and up on the car, mi mom with my uncle prepared the food , my dad drove and I with my cousin play hahaha .
This was a moment very happy and fun of my life when all that mattered was how can we can played in one day.

See ya  !

 PD: I didn´t found a photo of this moment, sorry :(

lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

A travel to London

Hi blogheads.

 Today I´m going to talk about the activity of the last week, when I investigate about places to visit in London, and the place I like to visit is the Abbey road studios. This is located in the abbey road street and I can go there by train, the nearest train is Kilburn High Rd and from them I have to walk. 

There is not a cost to enter in the studios because nobody can´t go inside except if you are to recording a song or an album.

I really like to visit this place, because the most important artist and bands in the world have recorded his albums in this places, Pink Floyd, Rush, Michael Jackson, and THE BEATLES.
The Beatles recorded a lot of albums and the picture of the disc “Abbey Road” was taken there, and for that reason I want to go to that place and take mi own picture like a “Beatles style”

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

The greatest party ever!

Hi buddies!

Today I’m going to tell you about the best party ever, but this isn’t the best party because there were liters and liters of alcohol, or a lot of woman’s, these was the best party because I was with my entire class in Pucon.

We went to Pucon when we finished high school, the day after PSU. It was the best week in my life, a lot of activities and all the nights we have a great party! , but the last night was the best party ever. I remember we went to bought all the things (food, beverages, alcohol, etc.), around the 6 o’clock, and start around the 8 o ‘clock.

The party was in the cabins where we stay, and the fun factor was what I knew all of the people there, so if I bored in a place for a while, I went to the next cabin with another’s partners.  All was laughter, drink and have the best night ever. I go to slept around 9 o’ clock in the morning, talking with a friend who fight with her boyfriend in the party. I hope someday to have a party like that, with the same persons and remember all the things we do in highschool, I miss them so much, they are a really fun and good people.

Do you miss your classmate of the highschool to??

See ya!!

domingo, 5 de mayo de 2013

My best Friend

Hi everyone!!.

Today I’m going to talk about my best friend; his name is Francisco and is my friend since we have 10 years old. I first met him when we was in the school, in fifth grade in a class of physical education, we talk about digimon 3 and how cool it was the main character, from there we started putting more and more and he became in my best friend, we play with toys all the time, PlayStation, Nintendo, he slept in my house and I in his house, they was very funny days.

 When we was in first grade of secondary, he bought an electric guitar,  and I start to play drums, but his band was with another drummer, friend of us, but he wasn´t a good player. In the next year, his drummer couldn´t play anymore and I became a band with my 2 best friends, Francisco and Victor. That was my best year in the secondary, we play in the school, playing songs of “Los prisioneros”,” Los bunkers”, “Coldplay, Blink 182”, “System of a down”, “Deep purple”. 

I along with Francisco every time we have, he lives 2 block approx. from my house, sometimes  I go to visit or he came to my home.

He’s currently studying contrabass in “instituto Projazz” , he’s a very  good player  and I’m studying  geography ?? 

PD: I cannot found a picture from us, I don't remember when I put  :(

lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

The pyramid of Giza

Hi everyone! 

 Today I’m talk about of a building which was one of the seven wonders in the world, which is the great pyramid of Giza in Egypt; this building was interest to me since the first time when I watch it on T.V, I ask my sister how a building like that was possible, I couldn´t believe that, people over 3800 years ago were able to build a pyramid was it almost intact to this days. The theories about his construction are varied, but the most accepted construction hypotheses are based on the idea that it was built by moving huge stones from a quarry and dragging and lifting them into a place in a period over a 10 to 20 years, but in this days a theory like that is not very convincing, some authors have is own ideas, some more crazy than others, because it is questionable the fact of the period in which realized, considering what they didn’t knew the wheel and almost everything around there is sand, making very difficult transport this blocks of 5 pounds to that place. Another point to make a question is why would they build it? , are only theory’s about that to. Some crazy ideas talks about a cult to a superior race, which travel to the universe and saw the human race, and teach all of this techniques which development the most of this ancient cultures, like astronomy, math’s, engineering, religion, and all of this mega-buildings around the world.
I hope you have enjoyed, the ancient cultures, including the pyramid of Giza are a very interesting part of the history full of mysteries and secrets.

This is a video from a scientist who speaks about these ideas of “aliens” in the earth which talk with the ancient people, watch it is very entertaining.

See ya! 

PD: I can´t put a picture of the pyramide, I don't know why :( 

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013


Hi everyone, today I want to talk about a picture what my cousin took to me and a friend.
This picture really like me, because was in the first time when I play with “Funk blast” a tribute to Rage against the Machine in the Club Babilon. This is located near of metro Trinidad,  in the picture I appear with Rulo, the vocalist of funk blast and my friend, I remember that day because I was a little bit nervous for the large number of people in the local, but when we start to play I forgot everything and I just focus in play and past a fun time.
This picture really like to me because the face of Rulo is like anger and evil and I appear in a really cool pose (the last can be a little exaggerated haha). That day was really fun, everything it was right, we play the most classics themes of RATM like Know your enemy, guerrilla radio, freedom, bombtrack, bulls on parade and Killing in the name ( La guatona tetona hahaha ), among others.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

 Roger Waters in Chile

Hi everyone, today I’m want to write about a concert what I never forget, that was the concert of Roger Waters in the 2011. The concert took place in the Estadio Nacional, when was crowded of people with long lines of people who want to in, another’s selling his tickets, others buying tickets, and I was one of them, I bought mi ticket the same morning of the concert of day 2, because all of my friends who went in the day 1, were impressed with the show. I bought my ticket with a help of a group of people who know in the same evening because the tickets of “cancha” was sold out when I was doing the line, in that moment I almost crying, but that people gave  me  money and I could bought a more expensive ticket and I could went. I was with 3 friends:  Simon, Melissa and Rodrigo, but they have” cancha” and I was “Platea alta”, so I watch the show alone. But the experience of that show was amazing, the lights, the music, the stage, all was incredible, the feelings I was felt that night was an experience which can’t be reproduce with words, my favorite songs in the concert was “hey you” , “ the wall” and “mother”.   

lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

 Hello everyone.

  Today I want to tell us a very funny journey that I did with my brother, my cousin and friends of my brother. We crossed the “Carretera Austral”, but not until the end, we arrived in Palena and Futaleufu. These places are so beautiful and clean. Palena is a small town, everyone knows each other, is like a big family. We horse-riding one entire day, the environment was amazing, I like so much ride a horse, another day we did rafting around 6 hours, it was very funny but in the beginning it was a little scaring. In futaleufu we camp, in the day was a little bit boring, but in the night when I saw the sky complete with stars, was something I never has seen before, but in Santiago the sky is dark with a few stars, but there was completely upside down, something I has never seen. But, before we could arrived on Palena and Futaleufu, we pass for Chaiten, and the town was like a ghost town, all was so quiet, house completely destroyed, another’s under rubbles, all cover with the ashes, only one restaurant was open, and we has water and light since the 8 o’clock in the morning to 7 o’clock in the evening. Was a really sad experience watch the conditions of the citizens in that town.  But I really enjoyed that traveled, I knowledge many environment’s and towns of the south of Chile, was beautiful.

See ya.